Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What would the existence of Bigfoot Mean to the World?

Sasquatch are pretty much doing perfectly fine on their own. They dont really need any particular area set aside that allows them to run around doing bigfoot things, unbothered by mankind.
Therefore, the assumption that, when it becomes accepted as common scientific knowledge that indeed these creatures are out there in rather surprisingly high numbers, that they even need protecting, is silly to me.
Protection, such as being placed on an endangered species list, should be reserved for those helpless species that have had their nunbers whittled down to scarily low numbers by the expansion and careless consumption of land by Humans out to make a buck. Those that, if things continue as they are, will eventually be driven from existence within the next 30 to 50 yrs. Bigfoot are nowhere near being a part of that group.
Even though they are doing dandy on their own, there would need to be a few laws enacted to prevent the species from being fodder for researchers and red neck hunters who seek to pointlessly kill or capture one or three simply for profit. Contrary to what many whiners think, one or two MUST be killed to enable all the scientifically necessary investigations to be carried out, as has always been the case with any newly discovered animal or insect species. Altho its not pretty, it is simply the way we've always done things in regard to species recognition, so….get over it people.
The fact that these creatures are related to us, does not change the fact that acquiring one or two for scientific research is necessary. If it were indeed full blooded homo sapien, that would be different. However, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analysis has already established it as having a modern Human female lineage, blended with something unidentifiable.
Now, having said that, if science would be so kind as to proclaim it to be a real species based on legit DNA analysis along with all the other rock solid evidence and eyewitness accounts out there, then I would have no problem waiting until we find one accidentally killed, or that has died as a result of old age or some accident it was unlucky enough to face. But barring that proclamation and acceptance, someone needs to kill one, or two.
Once bigfoot is scientifically identified and accepted as a part of the normal fauna on Earth, how would that affect our culture? Good question. For one thing, it would influence religion. Since The Bible, and other religious text have stated that something like bigfoot is a nephilim or some other type of demonic creature, science dubbing them as simply another animal, would create some spiritual issues for those of faith.
People who hunt and fish and camp and hike and bird watch would likely start to avoid state and national parks to a certain extent, since I have no doubt that many of the unexplainted disappearances and deaths that occur in these places would no doubt be, at least partially, attributed to the growling tummies of sasquatch creatures.
Nearly every Native American tribe has long held that these creatures have and do kidnap, kill, and consume women and children and those of weakened disposition. Therefore, to some, it will become obvious that a sizable number of people who up and vanish while out in nature, are almost certainly going to be labeled as victims of sasquatch.
Some folks assume that once bigfoot is accepted as a living breathing part of mother nature, instantly, thousands of square miles of both public and private forest in America will be dubbed as “off limits” to logging, home building, or any other kind of use or expansion that causes any kind of disturbance. While some tree huggers will do their best to accomplish this, to do so would pretty much result in the crippling of the USA economy, due to how unquestionably crucial homebuilding is to our way of life. Almost every industry out there is either directly or indirectly tied to logging.
Additionally, consider how a palpable cessation of outdoorsy activities by the general public will effect all the cities and towns and communities near state and national parks. Food, fuel, hotels, sporting goods, clothing etc would sit on store shelves, instead of being sold to the tens of millions of Americans who visit and enjoy these areas on a weekly basis.
When one considers the immense detrimental economic impact that accepting bigfoot as a real creature could have across the board in our nation, it becomes easier to see why our government prefers to keep up the charade regarding the existence of bigfoot. Their denial of the presence of this animal is surely, at least in part, an attempt to prevent all the numerous problems listed above.
Just as a side note, our government, namely the dept of interior, has been fully aware of the presence of sasquatch for over 50 yrs. They’ve killed them and captured them, studied and observed them. But they cant control them, and that's a scary thought. It’s not like you can manage bigfoot's presence and range like you can other wildlife. It's just impossible. So based upon that fact, combined with the huge range of bad things that could result from green lighting public acknowledgement of its presence all across our nation, they do their best to just continue allowing sasquatch to remain a laughable myth that very few people ever see or believe in.
To finish my response to this question….this subject is truly a conundrum. Nobody knows precisely what all would occur if knowlege of the existence of bigfoot became publicly accessible. All the possibilities I've listed above leave me wondering if, even though a huge part of me wants the truth to come out, another growing part of me wonders if we might just be better off leaving the subject as-is.
If it werent for the fact that these creatures are kidnapping and killing people on a weekly basis, and harassing others by stealing crops and killing pets and farm animals, all the while terrorizing families across our country, it would be a much easier decision to make. But they are doing these things, so we are left on the fence, wanting it to be accepted as real, but hoping we can find a way to make it public knowledge without all the dreadful things I mentioned above coming to pass.

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