While Bigfoot is believed to be a member of the great ape lineage of animals, and some aspects of their appearance and behavior mirrors gorillas, it is believed that the creature is a unique hominid relative of both great apes (like gorillas) and Humans, rather than a member of an already classified species of ape. Somewhere in the middle, in other words. Bigfoot DNA and hair analysis results, when compared to other apes and Humans, typically comes back as “Unidentified Ape Species”. This is the main reason we can definitely say that Bigfoot is not one of the already identified species of great ape on our planet (including Homo Sapiens). If it was, the DNA would prove it.
How about some differences first: Gorillas ambulate on 4 limbs. Yes, they can wobble around on their hind feet for short distances, but they don’t usually do it for long, or for any great distances. Bigfoot on the other hand, is predominantly bipedal, but occasionally is viewed on all fours like a gorilla, typically when moving at great speed. Gorillas can roar and grunt, but Bigfoot can talk and growl and whistle and very accurately mimic other animals, and yes, they can sometimes convincingly mimic Human speech also. Gorillas are herbivores. Bigfoot is an omnivore. It is theorized that for most of the year they rely mostly on plant nutrition, but in leaner times of the year they have no problem hunting and killing and eating animals such as deer and rabbits and wild pig.
How did they get to North America? Some people believe that it’s cut and dried that there could never, and has never been an ape species in North America, but a few researchers and scientists feel that Bigfoot, like mankind and other species of animals, migrated to North America via the asia/alaskan land bridge tens of thousands of years ago. They are here, and they managed somehow to get here, and they aren’t typically reported to have wings, so most likely they got here the same way our Human ancestors did, on foot.
Even though we’ve established that Bigfoot are not Gorillas, they share some unique traits. One, being the sagittal crest present in many specimens of gorilla. Although not all bigfoot reports describe an animal with a sagittal (sloping back forehead and coned skull) crest, it is a commonly reported head shape. Likewise, the often reported hooded nose demonstrates that Bigfoot also has genetic ties to Humankind. These types of comparisons are part of the reason why some people believe Bigfoot is a type of bipedal ape, while others are adamant that it is more closely related to Humans.
Other similarities between Bigfoot and Gorillas are:
It is believed that the family groups of both species, are usually made up of a dominant, or Alpha male, who has sole authority to mate with females in the group, as well as 3 to 5 breeding age females, and 2–4 lower stature males who are either related, or too young to challenge the Alpha for breeding rights. It is believed that Alphas of both species, change over time, as bigger and stronger males overtake the current Alpha and assume the leadership role of the family group.
Another similarity believed to exist is the way both species tend to avoid physical combat whenever a member of the group feels threatened. Instead, both gorillas and bigfoot prefer to put on loud displays of strength and screaming, often tearing down trees and thrashing about loudly and wildly to convince their opponent that they are very strong and powerful. They both often bluff charge, running toward the enemy, taking out trees and bushes as they rampage toward the foe, but stopping short of making contact in hopes of ending the conflict with intimidation before it comes to blows. It is believed that both species are smart enough to realize that an actual physical fight puts both animals at risk of injury or death, which, as a result, would jeopardize the overall well being and security of the entire group. While either species will attack a Human if it feels its family is in imminent danger, in almost every recorded instance, the Human leaves the situation unhurt. It is believed that Bigfoot creatures know that Humans are nowhere near as powerful as they are, but oft-reported Bigfoot behavior strongly suggests that they recognize firearms as a huge threat to their safety. The fact that they rarely physically attack Humans possibly indicates that they assume that any Human may be armed and dangerous.
Both species are recognized to be in possession of immense strength. Gorillas and bigfoot, pound for pound, are thought to be six to ten times more powerful than an equally sized Human.
There ya have it. Now we know the similarities (and a couple of differences) between Bigfoot and Gorillas, and how we know they are not the same species.
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